Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

The latest GPS technology in mobile phones

Latest CellPhone 2011 with GPS technology. World development and information technology is rapidly increasing as for advanced location-based services (LBS location-based services), user's GPS (global positioning system) in a number of platforms was "exploded" in recent years.

Issues and information about CellPhone Latest 2011 with the majority of GPS technology had been presented by iSuppli Corp., a research institute around the world and the latest electronic technology in its report, Monday, July 19, 2010.In the report, iSuppli predicts, in the final quarter of 2011, an estimated 79.9 percent of mobile phone / cell phone is shipped, or about 318.3 million units, will be equipped with GPS technology.
This figure increased dramatically compared to the first quarter of 2009, which only reached 56.1 percent or 187.8 million equivalent units. The sharp rise more or less influenced by the high absorption of the smart phone market or also known as smartphones."Smartphones are the key technologies driving the industry today. And, social networking services and applications like which on average requires GPS technology are critical elements in the smartphone market, "said Dr. Jagdish Rebello, principal analyst with iSuppli director at the same time, Monday, July 19, 2010.
Later, smartphones will overtake PNDs (portable navigation devices) as a device with navigation functions. In 2014, the use of smartphones will surpass PNDs GPS function.In addition, up to five years into the future, smartphones will encourage the emergence of new applications based location aided also by the development of software through an open platform. Just to note, today only Apple has had more than 6,000 location-based applications

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