Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

iPhone 5 release date and features

Despite the iPhone 4s has been issued by only a few weeks, the attention of all lovers of smartphones Apple for the iPhone 5. If in fact the latest Apple device has been appreciated in terms of sales, same can not be said with regard to the innovation that has resulted.
The first disappointment of the people concerned, without a doubt that the iPhone 4s is aesthetically identical to the iPhone 4. In terms of content and features, there have been improvements, but few have admitted that they expected more.

That's why you start to fantasize about what level of novelty may lead to the iPhone 5, but for the moment there are no certainties. There are only estimates of market experts and analysts as Ashok Kumar of Rodman & Rodman & Renshaw RenshawAshok Kumar's argument that the iPhone 5 would be really nice and already ready.
As rumored, the iPhone 5 is going to address the issue on reception that most iPhone 4 users complained about. Aside from this, Apple has also been rumored to be on the process of developing a payment system that will make use of your iPhone to serve as some sort of a credit card in various stores and establishments – no need for additional phone attachment.

In fact, Apple hired the services of Benjamin Vigier, a known expert in the mobile payment industry. Benjamin Vigier has been known for using a technology called near field communication or NFC. Vigier is one of Apple’s Product Managers at present and basically he was assigned to handle Apple’s Mobile Commerce Division. Aside from Vigier, Apple has also hired the services of some phone engineers that are well-experienced in NFC and other similar mobile technologies.

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